Saturday, November 19, 2011

Where can I download the music video Tong Hua by Guang Liang?

It's a chinese music video, very sad, it's on youtube and I know how to rip videos off of youtube but I want a high quality version of it. Does anyone know of any good sites to download music videos. Especially foreign/rare ones?||| - WinMX is still a widely popular P2P network. Even though it has been shut down before the community has resurrected it, and has improve it even more. The new system blocks out all fake files from searches and does not allow any RIAA or any of those companies onto the network.

Music, Movies, Pictures, etc.|||hey i have searched that song kptunes network and i found it and i have been using it for a long time where i always get whatever i search for. if you really want to download music without any hassle then try where you will get all of your favorite music. they have the largest network and huge database. |||Give MP3Lingo. com a try! It is a fairly new service but they are getting really popular. They offer unlimited music downloads for only $2 a month (I don't know how they do it!) and they are 100% legal. I've been with them for some time and they have all the songs I need and their download speeds are fast. Check them out at www.mp3lingo. com when you get a chance.|||You can use|||You can try

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